Definition, objectives, tools and methodology

The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is a technical framework for the transfer, recognition and, where appropriate, accumulation of individuals’ learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification. ECVET aims to give people greater control over their individual learning experiences for career planning and second choices. It also makes it more attractive to move between different vocational sectors, countries and different learning and working environments. The system aims for a greater compatibility between different vocational education and training (VET) systems and their qualifications and training programmes across Europe.

The European Commission is promoting the ECVET users’ guide, and has established an ECVET users’ group and an ECVET network. EU member States should ensure that all relevant qualifications and related ‘Europass’ documents issued by national or regional authorities contain clear information related to the use of ECVET. Several projects focusing on the development and promotion of ECVET are being developed in different sectors, funded by the EU’s Leonardo da Vinci Programme for vocational training. IC 50+ is one of those projects.

ECVET is a mechanism for description, identification, documentation, validation and recognition of learning and as well as for mobility initiatives – either within employment or during training:

  • recognition of learners’ achievements
  • stimulating exchanges and mutual trust supporting mobility of European citizens
  • recognition of learning outcomes without extending learners’ education and training pathways facilitating lifelong learning

ECVET tools and methodology comprise:

  • the description of qualifications in terms of units of learning outcomes with associated knowledge, skills and competence criteria
  • a transfer and accumulation process and complementary documents such as learning agreements, transcripts of records, professional certificates, Europass documents or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) tools

For more information on ECVET:

European Commission: